Getting Ready for the Coming School Year 2018-2019

My little girl is attended summer classes for toddlers in preparation for the coming school year. And even though it's just summer classes, I already bought a few school supplies (i.e. pencils, sharpener, plastic cover, erasers, colors). Yes, I am that parent! Haha! I am just so excited! School supplies, covering of notebooks and books, sharpening new pencils and all that.

Even when I was younger, buying school supplies made me so damn happy! I would rather spend my time in book stores than in toy stores. I would not use my new notebook unless I really need to, even if I have a lot of it! I love collecting notebooks and pencils! Also, do you remember those magnetic pencil cases? That was a dream for me! I had one which we bought very cheap at a market, and it didn't last long. :(

Now let me share with you how I think you should prepare for this coming school year. I know most have started classes already, but for those whose kids' classes are starting in July or August like my little girl. I gotchu! ;)

1. Prepare your kid a month early. 
Talk to them about school, that you will leave them there, that they will have friends there, how nice their teachers will be -ALL the good things!

2. If you could buy school supplies earlier, then do it!
But if not, it's okay if you like to be in a crowd and be literally pushed around because of how many moms and kids buy school supplies at the last minute. That's how we do it here in Philippines! And I love it! I love seeing kids' faces of excitement when buying new school stuff. Ah that was just like me many years ago. Soooo many people in malls in June because of the bookstore sales here and there!

3. Prepare yourself as well.
Talk to yourself that you will have a busy morning, quiet time for a few hours, and those amazing stories your child will tell after school. And yup, those homeworks.

4. School uniform
If the school uniform from the school is very expensive, maybe you could just buy 1 piece for sample, buy the tela from Divisoria and have your favorite mananahi sew it for you. This is what we did. And it will definitely save you moolah!

5. The baon / packed lunch
I didn't realize how hard it is to come up with your child's food baon until I was in high school, because I was the one who prepares mine already at the time. It was so hard to think of what food I'll have for the next day! So always end up having the same baon for the week! So better yet, have a menu a week early so that you and your child would know if that's okay for them or not. It's better than going home with their lunch box still full of their baon.

Well, these are just what I could think of at the moment, but if you have anything in mind, please do share it on the comments! As a first time mom with a preschooler, I'm excited to hear your tips!

Yup, that is me as a mom. Clueless AF (after food)


  1. Congrats Coi and Maco! It will be a new and fun experience for you two! :)


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