#Haenim UV Sterilizer now in the Philippines!

Sterilizers are one of the many must-haves when you're having a baby. Thank goodness, my sister-in-law gifted me one. It was just a regular sterilizer wherein in you plug it in, put on some water somewhere and then turn it on, it was of big help. I remember when I was a kid, what they use are big pans, fill it with water and let it boil -with the bottles inside. It was too much work.

Steam sterilization has been a parenting practice for years, but as much as it is seen to be effective, it has always required much effort, time, and money. Aside from this, the usual drying practices of wiping or air-drying may even invite bacteria back to newly sterilized items; and most conventional steam sterilizers can only fit around six bottles and can only be used for high-grade plastics and metals that are heat resistant.

These are just some parenting concerns that parents can address by getting the best-selling UV Sterilizer in Asia-Pacific and having a #HaenimHome.

Haenim can eliminate 99.9% of harmful bacteria that are exposed to its UV-C light. This light destroys nucleic acids and breaks apart germ DNA so they cannot function or reproduce, and the organism dies. Haenim also has 100% Drying Power, ensuring that there is no moisture where bacteria can grow from and parents do not need to wipe or air-dry items.

Having the biggest capacity in the market and requiring no water or steam means it can disinfect more items. From baby items (like bottles, toys, and books) to personal and household items (like mobile phones, make-up brushes, toothbrushes, and remote controls) —- making this a smart purchase that is perfect for parents who are also just starting to complete their home.

Being the first and only Smart Sterilizer in the Philippines and being a waterless system, parents can place their unit anywhere in the house. Haenim is also available in six different colors with premium finishes: black, silver, metal silver, pink, green, and blue. Whether they are looking for a classic design or a pop of color, there’s a Haenim for every home.

A feature-packed Smart Sterilizer is what modern parents need and having a #HaenimHome is now easy because they can get theirs from any of our retails partners:

My Baby Planet - S&R Commonwealth
My Baby Planet - Puregold Qi Central
BabyMama - Ortigas
BabyMama - Alabang
BabyMama - BGC

To know more about Haenim, visit their website https://haenimuv.ph.


  1. We too used an UV sterilizer and they are really important to keep the kids from infections! Thanks for the tips!

  2. I heard my friend say this is a good sterilised. And price a bit expensive.


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