Hello 2017

Oh yeah, I almost forgot I blog. Lol. Oops!
Hello there! I'm back! Well, I've been away for quite a while and I'll share with you why on this post, so yeah, this is going to be long y'all.

Obviously, my last post was last year of November. And then, I was gone. I was gone for more than a month, even on my social media accounts, I was rarely posting anything. I was busy and I guess I was overwhelmed with what happened during those times I was away, I thought I needed a break.

the street I grew up in Antipolo. I miss this place sooo much!!
So in the middle of November my sister came from the U.S., so of course we'd meet a couple of days, though not everyday. So that alone was pretty tiring honestly. And then it was my little girl's birthday celebration. I was struggling to find affordable but good cake supplier and private pool. We really just wanted to celebrate it at home. But we thought we would also like to celebrate Joshua's maternal grandmother's birthday as well. So yeah, we did kind of not go with the original plan. I also thought that since my sister has been away for 16 years, I guess it would just be fine. Well, awesome really since she'd meet my husband's family and relatives as well. Unfortunately, not all of Joshua's relatives were able to come though. :(

her beautiful cake!!
After my little girl's birthday celebration, it was also my husband's cousin's wedding! Yup, just a couple of days after Maco's birthday celeb. Dressing up isn't easy for a lady you know (well, at least for me!), so that also consumed a couple of my days as well! Lol I know. Finding a good dress, the right accessories, etc.

And then of course it was Christmas! Had a really awesome Christmas last year. We played games and had an exchange gift like we always do!

The next day after Christmas, it was Joshua's older brother's birthday naman. We had a little celebration here at home. A week after that, we went to Liliw, Laguna (Joshua's father's hometown) to attend a family reunion. And I mean the whooole clan was there! Though one of Joshua's Tito told me that it's still not complete! Woah!

And then the worst part of 2016 happened.

We went home that same night, because Joshua's Tito was rushed to the hospital. 2 days later, he left us already. It was so sudden. Oh how we miss him. He'd always come here in the morning just to see Maco (most of the time though Maco was still asleep), and when Maco turned 6 months, he would give us Maco's daily supply of lugaw (rice porridge) until I think the little girl was already more than a year old! Lol! And then when Maco was able to walk, whenever Maco would go by their place (not far from here), he would buy Maco candies. Sayang lang na nawala isang Lolo ni Maco na wala pa siya masyadong malay, na hindi na niya makita  pa si Lolo Henry niya. But of course, we will make sure she'll know more of her Lolo Henry and that she'll never forget him.

After the puyatan we did, I got sick and had massive headaches. I meant massive. I've never had bad headaches like I that. Ugh.

Anyway, so those happened while I was away. I think it was a lot for a month. I was overwhelmed. I got tired that even thinking of what to post was tiring me! Lol. But seriously, I think I got drained or something. I felt like I needed a time off of social media or something, you know. So I kind of did that. And now yeah, I think I could say I'm back to blogging! I just hope this would not go away too soon. ;)


  1. Welcome back Coi! That was really a lot of story hehe. But good you guys are okay! =)

  2. Welcome back! So many things happened and though there were bad ones, you're still blessed to be alive and well this 2017. ☺

  3. welcome back coi, nice to hear from you again

  4. Hi Sis, December and the holiday season is really so stressful. Until now I wonder "whatever happened to my December (the bigger question, where did my Christmas bonys go?)". I am sad to here about the passing of your dear Lolo Henry. I am sure he would still be watching over you and your family.

  5. Welcome back! Well, you're not alone. I'm actually experiencing what you experienced in November. I'm on hiatus because so many life events as well. I'm also sorry for your loss. Well the important thing is you are back and I wis you the best this year!

  6. Oh well..2016 was a hell of year for me too. It's overwhelming- like a roller coaster ride. Like you, I am planning to have my own social media hiatus, in fact I've been considering deactivating my accounts....but oh well I still have a lot of online commitments. But as soon as I am done with all of them I would also take a break. For sure your break was very beneficial now back to regular programming..haha. (macy santos)

  7. Welcome back! It's when we really live our lives away from the computer that we have more things to blog about. Hope you had a well-needed rest.

  8. I can relate! I had a busy 2016 as well. I have one site that it took me half a year before I can write another post. haha! Cheers to a more fruitful 2017 :)

  9. Same here sis! Indeed December was very busy and full of activities. I'm happy for you na nakasama mo ang sis mo from U.S and also belated happy birthday to your little girl, double celebrations pala. God bless you sis and cheers!

  10. Welcome back! Glad you were able to update this page once again. The season before the new year was really a hectic one :)

  11. What a busy month you have there, welcome back! It looks like nag-enjoy naman kayo :) sometimes we deserve a break, kaya okay lang yan.

  12. Welcome back! You had an eventful Holidays! Kalungkot lang yung ibang nangyari :(

  13. Welcome back to blogging, mommy coi! I, myself, am having regular headaches this third trimester and it's been really tough. I also tried fasting from social media for a week! Hope this year would treat you well! :)

  14. I'm glad you're back to blogging and I'm happy you were able to celebrate your little girl's birthday <3 Been coming to your blog every now and then to see new content, but at least now, alam ko bat nawala ka pala for a while :P

    Sometimes we all need a little break from the digital world. Nakakastress talaga minsan, but now that you're back, I'm excited to read your stories, and adventures. I'll see you soon okay???

  15. Welcome back! I take breaks once in a while too because adulting can be hard. So sorry about your Tito though.

  16. Wow. The last quarter of 2016 seem to be so tiring for you. hope you will have a better 2017.

  17. You had a busy schedule for the remaining months of 2016, same here but we are able to survive it :-) Happy birthday to your little girl

  18. I can just imagine how stressful the series of events have been for you. Glad you're now okay.

  19. Sorry to hear about your loss. That massive headache you felt was probably due to stress. I hope 2017 will be a better year for your family.

  20. Sometimes, we really need to get away on some things to help us reflect, re-charge, and re-energize. Praying for a better year for you and your family momma :) And hello to the little one too :)

  21. Welcome back, Coi! I was actually hiatus on and off last year and trying to update my blog this 2017. Sometimes we really need a break.

  22. So sorry for your loss. Here's wishing you a good 2017.

  23. I'm sorry about your loss. I understand why you would be sad. I also want my children to really get to know the people who show them love.

  24. Stay optimistic, let's claim that this year would be a better one, a more favorable year for us who strives hard for the family and for the people that matters to us...

  25. It was sure overwhelming to go through all those in just a month, it really is a must that you find time to rest and relax and wait for the headaches to abate. My deepest condolences for your loss. Hopefully, January treated you better.

  26. I'm glad you are back to blogging! The online world needs more of us mommmy bloggers you know!

  27. Welcome back to blogging. Our 2016 may be full of good and bad news but the good thing is, we always come up victorious after each event. I am sorry for your lost. Someone leaving us is indeed heartbreaking. May our 2017 be friendlier to both of us and our family.

  28. What a lot of happenings! I'm sorry to hear about the passing of one of Maco's lolo. Welcome back to blogging! Happy CNY too! :)

  29. Wow that was such a hectic past few months. No wonder you weren't able to blog. So sorry for your loss by the way. Don't feel bad for going on a blogging break. We all need it every now and then.


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