What to Look for in Wood Furniture

I've always been fascinated with wood furniture. But unfortunately, even though it looks so good, not most of the wood furniture that are around now aren't termite-free or if I may say, doesn't last long enough.

One of the woods they use in making such sturdy furniture are from Teak Tree. Now what is Teak? Teak tree or "tectona grandis" is one of the tropical hardwood birches. It's longevity is great and the tree often lives up to 100 years of age. Teak trees have oil in it's heart that is water resistant. The oil itself can protect the tree from decay, insects, and bacteria.

Now, let me share with you what are the qualities you must find for the perfect natural wood furniture that lasts long, weatherproof, and termite-free, and are from Linden Teak Furniture Philippines.

E C O - F R I E N D L Y
Linden Teak Furniture Philippines only utilizes 100% mature plantation Teak so it preserves natural rain forests and natural wildlife, they are anti-fast paced consumerism.

I N D I V I D U A L L Y   H A N D C R A F T E D
Linden Teak Furniture Philippines' furniture are individually crafted by master artisans who have at least a decade of experience. No two (2) pieces are exactly a like, and they are not industrial mass manufactured meaning not pollutants.

N A T U R A L L Y    T E R M I T E   P R O O F
Because of the natural oil resin, it naturally repels termites. Unlike other hard woods that get soft when soaked/wet with water, it makes the furniture susceptible to termites and decay, Linden Teak Furniture Philippines furniture are not like that.

S U N   A N D   R A I N   E X P O S U R E   R E S I S T A N T
As what been said before, the natural oils and resins from the tree also makes the furniture weatherproof. It may be utilized without finishing. It naturally ages to a pleasing silver gray, though it does not affect the wood's strong tensile strength. Fun fact, the Royal Vimanmek Palace in Bangkok, Thailand and the Maha Waiyan Bontha Bagaya Monastery in Mandalay, Burma are made of teak wood. The first is already over a century old, and the latter is since 1593. 

1 5   Y E A R   S E R V I C E   W A R R A N T Y
Linden Teak Furniture Philippines have one of the best warranties in the market with yes, 15 years warranty. Free labor service repair against factory defect and wear and tear of proper use. 

N O   H A R S H    S Y N T H E T I C   C H E M I C A L S
Linden Teak Furniture Philippines does not use varnish and polyurethane, since it is analogous to encasing the furniture piece in plastic, it also eventually chops off and may be inhaled by the user which is no good, especially to children. It also fumes harmful to the craftsman and gets washed off outdoors. But Linden Teak Furniture Philippines use organic cellulose finishing which is 25 year old Gold Teak Series, wood pores retains its breathability, simulating waking up in a teak forest, and Linden Teak Furniture Philippines also has Au naturel finishing, which is 50 year old Ecowood series, it is bare, simulating waking up in a teak forest and is best for constantly wet and outdoor pieces.

If you have a new abode, or is renovating, why not invest on something that you know would last for a very long time?

And since Linden Teak Furniture Philippines is celebrating it's 19th year this month of September, they have something in store for us!

You may download the voucher here!
Just print it and show to Linden Teark Furniture Philippines branches! ;)

Voucher is applicable in ALL items including PROMO items (cash or cheque basis only)
Vouchers are redeemable in all Linden Teak Furniture Philippines branches (Main office – del Monte, Quezon City; Interior Zone, SM North EDSA; Ground floor, CW Home Depot Ortigas, Pasig City; 2nd floor, CW Home Depot Commonwealth, Quezon City; 2nd floor, Building C, Tiendesitas, Pasig City)
Only one voucher per transaction per client.
Validity Period: September 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

For more info of, you may visit their facebook page


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