Nutri10 Plus Review: How was it with Maco?

Last week, Wert Philippines sent us bottles of Nutri10 Plus. I was excited and thought how timely it was because my Maco has been eating quite lesser than the usual. She's more active now and eats non-healthy food (junkfood, candies, juice) and I'm worried she doesn't have much nutrients her body needs. And have I said how active my little girl is today? She's super active, she runs around all the time, jumps here and there. You name it!

At first when I tried to give Maco Nutri10 plus, she didn't like it. I think she thought it was like her medicine when she's sick, I had to tell her it was just like juice. Hehe! After a couple of days she's having it, I think that's the time she was able to taste the Ponkan flavor as I heard Maco say "hmmm-mmm" with a smiling face when she had it. She likes it already!

I give Maco 1/2 a teaspoon as instructed on the box every morning. I usually give it to her right after breakfast and before lunch. There's no specific time to give it to her, I just give it to her right after breakfast just so she has something in her little tummy.

After a week of Maco having Nutri10 plus. I noticed she has more gana to eat now than before though still not quite there yet, maybe the 6 teeth that are currently popping out might be the cause. And even though she doesn't eat as much as she used to, I'm confident enough that my little girl gets the nutrients she needs everyday. And I must say, she's still makulit -which is totally fine with us! As what my father-in-law says all the time, okay na'ng makulit kaysa may sakitOdiba?! Pwede nang pang-tagline. Hehehe!

Plus, with the weather we have right now, every kid needs that extra boost of nutrients that they may not be getting in the daily just so their immune system would be strong enough to not get sick easily. Speaking of nutrients, Nutri10 Plus have CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor), Taurine, Lysine, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and Zinc. Nutri10 Plus is good for kids 1 up to 12 years of age.

For more info, you may visit their facebook page


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