Next Generation Delivery Services : Etobee

If you're a mompreneur like myself, or most likely if you have an online shop you most probably know how courier goes. 

A short sidenote: When I was in college, my friends and I tried to have an online shop of accessories but that didn't work outwell because we weren't that much knowledgeable of how courier goes. We only know one, and it costs freakin' high. So our only mode of giving our 'clients' their accessories was by meeting up with them. And all of us were really busy with our school, so that didn't work out as we hoped for.

Good thing today, we have lots, and one of them is...

W H A T   I S   E T O B E E ?
Etobee is a new delivery service in South East Asia. Through Etobee, customers can pick up and deliver their package wherever and whenever. With Etobee, all delivery activities will be easy, simple and secure.

W H Y   U S E   E T O B E E ?

Etobee is a marketplace for logistic companies where you can choose a courier based on your needs. We focus on last mile delivery services and offer same-day, live tracking (GPS), COD, 6-digit security code, and API integration services, among many other features.

For more info about Etobee, visit their website at 


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