Our Breastfeeding Journey

My little munchkin at 5 months! <3
When I was still pregnant with my little girl, I told myself that I will breastfeed her until 6 months at least. But now, we're 19 months already and still going strong! :)

Actually when I gave birth to her, I didn't have much milk. That's why the resident doctor at the hospital I gave birth at told me to give her formula milk in which I totally do not agree with because I wanted to breastfeed her. But then, the doctor said my little girl would be dehydrated so we bought a little can of milk. I tell you we didn't bring a bottle because I thought my milk would be ready by then. It was so frustrating! Good thing the hospital have this little bottle with a dropper. That's what we used to feed her. The lactation department were also so supportive of the mothers' breastfeeding journey. How we used the dropper was I drop the formula to my nipple and that's how my little munchkin was able to drink it when she's latching. That's how the woman from the lactation department told me to feed my little munchkin so there would be no nipple confusion in the future.

Anyway, even though I've had her mixed fed for I think a month or two, we stopped with the formula when I realized my milk was too much already. My breasts engorge in just a couple of hours! It was crazy and it hurts! So I said I would stop with formula, and since I was not working at the time, it was just perfect to breastfeed my little munchkin! Mas tipid pa! 

And yes, until now at 19 months we're still breastfeeding! And I am just so happy! It is my little girl and I's bonding time! I would talk to her about anything and everything whenever she's latching on me. And sometimes she would think her momma's cray with the way she looks at me like she really understands what I'm talking about. Lol! Though yes sometimes it's hard especially when I need to do something important and my little girl would want to have milk. But it works, so it's fine. ;)

I am just so happy that we've gone this far!


  1. 19 months is so long so congrats. I know someone na bitbit anak if may business trip abroad na matagal (1-2 wks) kasi breastfeeding din siya.

  2. Aww.. congrats Coi! You made it this far and hoping it would last long. Yan naman ang gusto kong i achieve kapag nagka anak kami ulit. Pero not now. hahaha!

    1. Thanks Jen! Baby girl naman para halos same age ni maco hihi ;)

  3. Aww wow!!! I'm having a hard time letting go din, I weaned my first baby off of bf at 1 year, yung second baby ko I feel guilty about stopping kahit na once a day na nga lang kasi I can't accept na hindi na siya baby haha... they grow up so fast noh? :)

    1. Yes sobrang bilis! Ang sabi ko nga I will stop breastfeeding when she started walking na, eh hindi pa pala hahahaha

  4. Congrats! :) Breastfeeding is not an easy journey with all the aches and pains haha! Galing that you made it! :) Btw, sayang nga that you were not able to make it last Sat.

    1. Yup it's quite hard when breastfeeding, masakit hahaha ;p

  5. We have almost the same breastfeeding story! I wasn't able to breastfeed my son on day 1 because instead of teaching me how, the nurses just insisted that I buy a can of milk. They didn't even let me try huhu. But kudos for nursing for 19 months and counting! I was able to bf my son for almost 36 months. Yakang yaka mo yan!

    1. Wow! 36 months!! Sana umabot din ako ng ganyan katagal :)

  6. Congratulations! Well I envy you :) Have only managed to breastfeed for about 2 months then back to work... Keep it up!

  7. this is my biggest regret, not being able to breastfeed my little boy. I salute moms like you who have dedication and patience and advocates of breastfeeding!

  8. Like you, I plan to breastfeed as well. I've heard lots of testaments from mom friends that their kids are healthier thanks to breast milk so for me, breastfeeding all the way. :)

    1. Well whenever my little girl has colds, what I usually do is always let her latch and after a night it's gone. And surprisingly, whenever I'm sick naman hindi siya nahahawa kahit na nag-lalatch sya sakin. So I guess with the help of the breastmilk rin? Not entirely sure but maybe... Hehe! Thank you! ;)

  9. Congratulations on the 19th month! We just celebrated our first year. :) Glad that you were able to move to pure breastfeeding. I used to tell myself the same thing. 6 months. Then one year. Papunta na ko sa two years and beyond. Let's do this, mummy! :)

    1. Yey! I even told myself na I guess mahaba na yung 6 months so sana kahit umabot man lang ng 6 months but thankfully lumagpas pa haha! Yes let's do this!! :D

  10. You inspire me to keep going! I'm breastfeeding for 14 months now and many are telling me to stop already, I get hurt sometimes, but later on, pinagkikibit balikat ko. I don't care! I'm surprised that the hospital staff would tell you to FF, I thought all of them encourages BFding, I guess, I was wrong. Keep it up!

    1. Just that one resident doctor who insisted to give my little girl a formula milk because she said na ma-dehydrate na baby ko so my husband and I got scared and gave her formula. But my little girl's pedia and the lady from the lactation department and the nurses supports me naman with breastfeeding. :)

  11. Congrats Mommy Coi! I just breastfed my son about only 4 months because I get back to my work then suddenly my breast did not produce milk, I really regret it coz I'm planning that as long as I can I will breastfeed him. Congrats again and Thank you for this post you'll inspire a lot of mothers to breastfeed their child.

    1. Thank you! I hope they would be inspired by this ;)

  12. Wow! 19 months and still breastfeeding! Love that. How I wish my little Yael and I would reach that number,too and even go beyond. He will be turning 1 this August and still breastfeeding him.

  13. Congratulations mommy! I also breastfed for 2 and a half years on my bunso, and it's a fulfillment to have reached that milestone. :) I bet you get past that stage wherein iniinda mo pa yung kagat ni baby hehe. :)

  14. I envy you for breastfeeding your baby for 19 months. I was only able to so that for a month to all my 4 kids because I can't bear the pain. I have a cyst just under my left nipple and it causes the pain. I tried to feed from the right only but it doesn't look good because the size of each breast is noticeably unequal. Lol.

  15. Congratulations! I'm happy for you and your child. :) I'm also breastfeeding my 3rd child now. He's almost 2 years old already. I hope to breastfeed him until he is 2 just like his older brothers. :)

  16. I've never breastfed any of my kids for that long. Kudos to you! Now that I'm pregnant with my fourth child, I really want to be more successful in breastfeeding. Hope you share some tips on how you lasted this long. :)

  17. Congrats! We are at 2 yrs and 6 months now, but I think my other twin is self weaning na. Minsan kasi parang naglalaro na lang sya.

  18. Bf mom here for 18 months and going strong! Actually mas clingy siya lalo na pag natutulog, he still sleep on my chest, kung di nga lang ako nabibigatan baka hanggang umaga siya sa chest ko hehe. We are lucky we can still supply breastmilk for our babies. Congrats to us! :)

  19. I too also lasted around that time breastfeeding my eldest, and I wouldn't have stopped if only I didn' became pregnant with my second child. I noticed that my daughter is less prone to usual communicable diseases like cough and colds, unlike my son who because of meddling in laws are bottlefed instead of breastfed. #madramangbuhay hehehehe... :3

  20. 19 months is indeed a feat. 6 mos was the longest I could do and mixed pa yun.


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