Review: Bubble Man Dish Washing Liquid

I don't really like washing the dishes because it makes my hands dry. And I don't really like the feeling of dry hands.

So when I got these Bubble Man Dish Washing Liquid in the mail, I was like alright I'll give dish washing a try again as it claims that it's gentle on hands. And it is also biodegradable. So it does not contain harmful chemicals that most dish washing liquids have.

We actually buy a different dish washing liquid for my little girl's utensils because yes, I'm that kind of mom. And since this one doesn't have harmful chemicals, I think it's okay to use it for my little one's utensils as well. So, instead of buying a different one for my little girl's utensils, we could just buy this one, for all of the plates na! Nakatipid na!

When I used it for a couple of times, I was honestly thinking that it would dry my hands. But it surprisingly did not! And also, I have doubts that it would not take the grease off the plates with just one wash. Because I've tried a lot of dish washing liquids, and most of the brands I've used, I have to wash the dishes at least twice just to get rid off the grease. But with this one, it surprisingly took off the grease with just one wash. I kid you not. And now, I'm sold!

It has 3 variants, btw.

And if you're wondering how much Bubble Man Dish Washing Liquid costs, it's a lot cheaper than the leading brands in the market right now.

270 ml      P 32.50
880 ml     P 65.00

Promo pack of 2's
270 ml     P 55.00
  880 ml     P 120.00

Super sulit 'di ba?!

In case you're wondering where these awesome dish washing liquids were made?!

Proudly Pinoy made!

You may reach them at


  1. Good to know that this dishwashing liquid can rid the grease in one wash. That is one thing I like in a dishwashing liquid, kasi yung iba cheaper nga, mauubos naman agad kakaulit mo sa paghugas just to remove the grease and smell.

  2. may i just ask sis what is the main ingredient of the product that made it natural? glad that you made such a discovery for your family :)

  3. I, too, would always try different brands so as to know what would be the best for our use. Dish washing seems to never stop in the small house; i share the house with five boys. Would want to try this as well and see the difference it could give. Thanks.

  4. I've seen this brand somewhere but I have never thought to try. Thanks for the feedback. I might just save on dishwashing liquids with this one on the next grocery run :)

  5. Nice! I wonder how it smells, though? One thing I dislike about the "more popular" dishwashing liquids are their too strong smell.

  6. I didn't know they were Pinoy-made! I saw these on sale (buy 1 take 1) in our neighbourhood grocery -- I should've gotten a pack!

  7. I have yet to try mine out. Based on the good reviews I've been reading though, this seems like a good choice for both the hands and the environment. I really should try mine already!

  8. Haven't tried this out yet. We use the very popularly commercialized Joy. But this one looks affordable and good! I hope this is available at our local grocery soon.

  9. Yehey to pinoy products! Our household is now gently switching to all natural and local made products. We are currently using Cusina now but I will try this very soon! =)

  10. Finally, a gentle soap that kids can use for their dish washing tasks.😊

  11. I've already tried Bubble Man dishwashing liquid and I loved it . It's very affordable too!

  12. Im up to anything organic especially if its affordable too! And goo to know that its Pinoy made!

  13. I have personally tried this as well and so far it really is gentle to the hands although I did notice that it is not as tough on grease though. Maybe I'll give it another try. :)


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