Who are World Vision Philippines?

I've heard of World Vision, yes, but sadly I don't know much about them. Good thing I saw their booth at Blogapalooza last May 21. I'm so glad I did! 

W H O   A R E   W O R L D   V I S I O N

World Vision is a Christian, relief, development, and advocacy organization that is dedicated to working with children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

Motivated by their Christian faith, World Vision wants to empower every child to build a better future for their families, their communities, and their countries.

W H E R E   D O   W O R L D   V I S I O N   S E R V E

World Vision serves the most vulnerable regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.
World Vision assists over 100,000 children through 40 area development programs in 30 provinces and 30 cities throughout the Philippines.

W O R L D   V I S I O N ' S   C O M M I T M E N T   T O   C H I L D R E N

World Vision works to contribute in deepening the impact on child well-being through its programs being implemented on the ground including education with child protection, disaster risk reduction, health and nutrition and economic development.

World Vision is committed to increase the resilience of children who are most vulnerable to malnutrition, violence, exploitation and disasters. We ensure that children reach their full potential through age-appropriate and context-sensitive spiritual nurture, life skills, quality education and livelihood programs for their families to meet their basic needs.

I really am so glad I stumbled upon their booth at Blogapalooza. I also sponsored a child and it feels so nice to do so. I just love seeing happy children, and even with that small gesture, I know I made a child happy. :)

If you would want to sponsor a child, 
or for more information about World Vision, you may visit their website at http://www.worldvision.org.ph/


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