Bringing MUNI to NUVALI on May 21

Hey there Moms, Dads, friends from the South!

W H A T   T O   E X P E C T   F R O M   T H E
O N E - A N D - O N L Y   M U N I   M A R K E T    F O R   2 0 1 6

When we first started the MUNI Market, our goal was to keep growing the community, and continue bringing our message of mindful living to more people around the metro, the country, and the world. And so, this coming May 21, we're conducting a happy experiment with the first ever MUNI Market in Nuvali!

We are bringing our existing community of conscious, purpose-driven merchants and supporters to a new and vibrant location in the south of the metro, while also discovering and welcoming new folks from the south into our community as well.

Now on its 5th run, the only MUNI Market in 2016 will be popping up at Solenad 3 in Nuvali with our merry band of mindful merchants selling healthy, local and eco-friendly products from food, home to fashion items, some educational workshops and demos, and some musician friends setting the vibe for a fun and relaxed atmosphere, true to MUNI Market fashion.

W H A T   T O   E X P E C T

Some of the folks from our tribe of cause-driven entrepreneurs include: Bayani Brew, Down To Earth PH, Food Source PH, Gouache Bags, Gugu, Holy Carabao, Jertie's Kitchen, Katch PH, Kuwero, Lemontastic, Nipa Foods / Nipa Brew, Picole, Pizza Morena, Risque Designs, Silly Monkey Clothing, The Green House Project, The Superfood Grocer, Theo & Philo, Thirsty Turtle, Tinker Knot, Treehugger World, V&M Naturals, and Yadu.

The MUNI Market program for that day includes:
  • Coloring & storytelling activities for kids c/o Katch PH & Treehugger World at 11AM, 2PM and 4PM
  • Healthy food demos c/o Holy Carabao & Jertie's Kitchen at 2:30PM
  • Yoga c/o Life Yoga at 4:30PM
  • Live music performances by Toni B, Gentle Universe, Paola Mauricio, Mellow Submarine starting at 5PM
All throughout the day, we will also be introducing you to our merchants through interviews to share their stories and their products.

A   T E C H N O L O G Y  -  E N H A N C E D   M U N I   M A R K E T   E X P E R I E N C E

We will also be introducing a payment system that will give event goers a unique user experience through an easy one-time payment at designated cash-in points that allows you to navigate from merchant to merchant with a quick and easy swipe of a card. Read more about it here.

Keep up to date for more information, activities, merchants and performers and follow the MUNI Market Facebook event page, and sign up for MUNI Mail.

See you then!


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