5 Ways to Bond With Your Kids Before Summer Ends

Summer is about to close as the month of June drums nearer. We have had our little ones at home for almost two months, but have we really made most of our time with them? With the many things that we need to do at home and in the workplace, we often sacrifice time spent with our children. Now is the best opportunity to start creating wonderful memories that they can look back to once the school starts. Whether you want to make up for the days you were too busy or simply cap off the summer on a good note, there’s still activities available for you and your kids to enjoy. Break free from the usual trips to the mall and try these five activities instead.

1. W A T C H   A   T H E A T E R   S H O W
In a world of video streaming and smartphones, it is rare to see children not glued to their gadgets. Introduce them to other forms of entertainment like live theater. Just make sure that you choose a show that is child-friendly. Look for youthful and energetic productions that also teach golden values through the story. A good example of this is PETA’s Mga Kuwento Ni Lola Basyang! The play is like a fairytale book that has come to life as Lola Basyang shares stories of magical spells, kings and their kingdoms. Without a doubt, you’ll enjoy it too!

2. J O I N   A   W O R K S H O P
Make your bonding activity an educational one too! There are plenty of workshops available these days but pick ones that you can do together as parent and child. This way, it’s not only you or your kid that gets to enjoy the activity. Rather, you get a chance to do it together. Afterwards, you can laugh at the little errors that you made, share the learning that you earned and even display your output at home!

3. C R E A T E   A N D   T E L L   Y O U R   O W N   S T O R I E S
How about exploring the art of words with your little one? Filipinos naturally love storytelling. Our rich folklore is a testimony to that. There are also many ways that you can create and tell your own story. This is a chance to let loose and be kid yourself too as you and your child learn how to tell a story in the most animated way possible!

4. G I V E   V I S U A L    A R T S    A   T R Y
Simple drawing, coloring and crafts-making are always a big hit with children, but you can make the experience even better by making art together. Producing these little artworks will be a creative experience for the both of you. Watch your kid’s eyes light up as you take this artsy journey as a pair. It will surely be an experience neither of you will forget.

 5. C O M P O S E   A   S O N G   T O G E T H E R
Of course, a Pinoy family bonding option that never fails is music. Make your bonding experience emotionally enriching by asking your child what he wants to sing about, and composing a song together! You don’t even have to be musically inclined to try it out. Bring out your old guitar or even just a pen and some paper. The song may not be perfect but your little one will definitely associate it to the fun you had while writing it.

Fortunately, parents don’t have to look far for activities like these. PETA has organized a weekend of bonding activities that the whole family can enjoy together! Mommies and daddies can take their kids to the PETA Theater Center to watch a show of Lola Basyang and attend a workshop of their choice. The workshop can be on Storytelling, Puppetry and Visual Arts, and Music and Rhythm. 

Cap off summer with a fun and learning experience for both parent and child. Join us at the PETA Theater Center and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with your kids. Family passes are available for the Mga Kuwento Ni Lola Basyang play and your workshop of choice. Book your tickets through Ticketworld (http://bit.ly/24tIu7w). You can also call (725) 6244 local 22-23 or (0916) 4868696 for reservations. ‪#‎FamilyDayWithLolaBasyang #PETAFamilyDay


  1. Thank you for the tips. The Peta workshops look interesting , unfortunately too far from where I live.

  2. This is going to be a fun and interesting event for those family with children. My son just turned 1-year-old pa lang. We can maybe do this after 2-3 years. :)

    1. I meant for families with children 3 years old and above. :)

  3. I love PETA's workshops, especially the theator show since we have theater background. I hope they will offer free workshops too. :)

    1. I hope so, too. Maybe in the future they'll have free workshops hihi :)

  4. It's really nice of PETA to come up with activities that parents and their children can do together. I hope to take my son to a theater soon to see a play.

    1. Me too! When my little one is old enough to sit still for a long period of time,I think it would be nice noh? ;)

  5. These are really great workshops from PETA. Unfortunately, this weekend of ours is already packed with other activities. I hope PETA organizes another run for this.

  6. I wish we could go to this in the future. But I'm glad that even without the workshops (since Popy is only 10mos old) I have a creative husband who performs with a guitar for him and who can teach him artsy stuff. Looking forward to extra curricular activities like these ones in the future. :)

    1. Good for your little one! He's surrounded w creative people. Hihi! I also let my little one play with colors, though the husband and I doesn't know how to play any musical instruments (my husband used to play bass in hs though but we don't have that hehe), but good thing my little girl loves to play with her toy drums hahaha!

  7. This is nice. Family time really is a must. Too bad that we already have plans this weekend.

  8. oh I've seen this in Mommy Nadia's blog too. I wish we can join but QC is just not accessible for us. My kids would have loved the visual arts class.

  9. These are really nice tips. Thank God before summer ends, we got to attend a few workshops for the boys. We also had our own summer enrichment activities at home.

  10. I have not done any of these!!! haha. We just sing, play and cuddle. Pero when he's a little older, these are a must-try!

  11. As much as I wanted to attend the PEtA event is too far for me, hope next summer if the traffic is not bad na we can attend one na

  12. These are great ideas. Sulitin ang summer!


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