Smart Parenting Baby Shower 2016

Mommies these days are so lucky! I, myself included, of course! With all the workshops, seminars, and all here and there - Mommies today would know what to expect good and/or bad, and so we're able to prepare for it! 
I am just so excited that I got to be part of this year's Smart Parenting Baby Shower! Nope, I don't have another baby on board yet. Hihi ;) Oh how I wish I was able to join the year I was preggy with my Little Munchkin, but nonetheless, I still learned a LOT from this!

Smart Parenting, the largest parenting news and lifestyle brand in the country, celebrates the joy and thrills of the first stages of being a mother with its annual Baby Shower. “A lot of expectant mothers look forward to the Smart Parenting Baby Shower as it has become a venue for interactive and hands-on learning, as well as fruitful dialogues among mothers about the wonderful and exciting journey of pregnancy,” said Lei Dimarucut-Sison, Smart Parenting Managing Editor.

Smart Parenting, together with the new Downy Baby Gentle, the latest innovation in fabric conditioner designed to provide gentle softness and long-lasting mild scent for baby's clothes, created an informative and fun-filled afternoon through engaging activities and relevant discussions held in Discovery Suites, Ortigas. In this event, Smart Parenting experts shared essential information for every mom-to-be as they prepare for the arrival of their new bundle of joy.

Through Smart Parenting's partnership with Downy Baby Gentle, mothers were given first-hand information about the importance of choosing baby-friendly products that are tested by dermatologists and certified safe for baby's sensitive skin.

Hi Mommies! Downy Baby Gentle has really mild smell, so you don't need to worry! ;)
An expert from the Philippines Pediatric Society, Dr. Jamie Isip-Cumpas, shared the significance of Gentle Softness on Baby's Skin.

Guest Speaker Bianca Gonzalez-Intal
Bianca Gonzalez-Intal sharing her experiences being a first time mom! <3
One of the guest speakers was TV host-author and first-time mother, Bianca Gonzalez-Intal, who describes herself as a hands-on mother despite her busy schedule. Bianca shared her experiences as first time mom to her 5-month daughter Lucia Martine.

It was so nice hearing Bianca's experiences! It made me feel that she's normal din. Well, duh! But despite the fact that her little one's just 5 months and she looks like she didn't give birth, her experiences of being a first time mom is the same as how I felt! What I'm trying to say is that - it's not always rainbows and butterflies (yes, I got it from a song, you guess!). But, when you look at your little one, it would be always rainbows and butterflies! 

So for the first time moms out there, prepare for a roller coaster ride of emotions! And also, let your partner read articles, attend seminars about pregnancy and being first time parents, because you will definitely learn a lot. And alsoyou could prepare your partner about this roller coaster ride of emotions at nang hindi siya mawindang! Hahaha!

Sharon Agoncillo-Galang talks about Baby Sign Language
I loved this talk! I would try to do this to my little munchkin so it wouldn't be hard to understand her heehee
Series of talks were also conducted by Sharon Agoncillo-Galang, an Independent Certified Instructor (ICI) of the Baby Signs® Program and a passionate speaker with 18 years of hands-on experience on the different fields of Early Education, Training and Development, Training Management and Leadership. 

Zenaida Feliciano talks about the importance of Breastfeeding
Another talk tackled Breastfeeding, which was discussed by Zenaida Feliciano, an executive turned Breastfeeding Coach who helped set-up the first Prenatal Lactation Clinic in the Philippines at the Asian Hospital.
I'm so happy they included these yummy lactating treats in the loot bag!
I am pro-breastfeeding. I'm still breastfeeding my little munchkin now that she's about to turn 16 months on April 13th! And I'm so proud of myself! Heehee

Betty San Luis w husband Manny San Luis talks about Birthing Options
Betty San Luis was also there to shed some light on the different options of giving birth with Your Birth of Choice: Natural, Medicated, C-Section, or Water Birth. Betty is the main Childbirth Mentor of Birthing is a Blessing; a certified Doula with Childbirth International (CBI), a global training organization committed to establishing international standards for childbirth education programs and doula training. She also conducts Childbirth Preparation Classes and nurtures birthing mothers through her Doula Support Service.

Coni Tejada
Mommies designing their Little Ones' Bibs

for My Little Munchkin! <3
M for Maco obviously, and sun because she's our little sunshine!
Writer, stylist, and travel blogger, Coni Tejada, conducted a fun activity with Scribble Onesies, while other guests learned about and experienced Pre-natal Yoga with Urban Ashram.

Mommies in Pre-Natal Yoga
All the mommies came home not only with useful Downy Baby Gentle Goodies, but also with helpful tips and relevant information they can use once their little ones arrive – thanks to Smart Parenting and Downy Baby Gentle. 

with fellow Mommy Bloggers at Table # 4 ;)
with fellow Mommy Bloggers -
Jen (,
Nheng (,
and myself!
Yes, I wore heels that day. Not the best decision I made if I may say. Hahaha
Visit their Facebook page for more information about the importance of dermatologist-tested fabric conditioners, as well as Gentle Softness Tips and How-Tos.

Get access to vital parenting information and relevant content 24/7, visit, and follow Smart Parenting on Facebook via, and @_smartparenting on Twitter, and @smartparenting on Instagram.


  1. May picture pala tayo! Pagrab! :)

  2. why I like the book and, in some cases, a quote or two from the book. Here they are: read full review


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