Since I was pregnant with my little munchkin, I've been wanting to join events that cater to moms-to-be, moms, and such. But unluckily, I haven't joined any since I lack information about such events, and sometimes I would be lazy, other times there would be gathering with the family, and most times I would be late to such events so I was not able to join. Bummer! Good thing these days though I was able to find great mommy blogs out there and was able to find events! Hoping I would be able to join any event this time! :) Esp. now that Mother's Day is fast approaching and I'm pretty sure a lot of events are coming up!
I've been hearing about Mommy Mundo since I was not yet pregnant with my little munchkin though I didn't know much about it, so expectedly, I didn't care that much. And when I was pregnant already, I think I forgot all about it, I don't know why. But when I stumbled upon her instagram page one time just this May, I thought to myself, Mommy Mundo sounds familiar. Good thing I checked her instagram page and I was able to find events! Yay! One that is coming up is Expo Mom 2015. I haven't been to any Expo Mom events, so I'm pretty excited with this one! Hopefully, fingers crossed, I would be able to join this time!
There's also this thing, #MOMMANIFESTO, you have to download worksheet from the website and do a 15-minute activity, you can do it while your baby is sleeping or busy playing! Again, I hoped I saw it sooner! I'm so willing to join! It started last April 22 pa! :( Click here to know more about Mom Manifesto!
Fellow moms out there, hope to see you at EXPOMOM2015 this coming May 22nd-24th!
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