Make History with The Medical City

Last Wednesday, March 25th, I received a txt message from my OB's assistant telling me to register my baby to join the Largest Reunion of People Born at the same Hospital, and gave me the link for further info. I didn't have load that time so I wasn't able to ask questions, so I searched it online with the link she has given. Btw, it's

If you were born in The Medical City you may register yourself if you want to join, just click this and pre-register yourself, or go to The Medical City in Pasig and bring a  photocopy of your birth certificate, or just bring a photocopy of your birth certificate to the event ground. The said event is on April 12th, 2015, 1:00PM, Market! Market! Mckinley Parkway, Taguig.

There are also other events such as Largest Sidecar Parade, Largest Simultaneous Motorcycle Burnout, Fastest Time to Eat 12" Pizza (which I'm encouraging my husband to join hehe), Most People Using Mouthwash (this, too! hahahaha). Again, check for more info. :)

I would love to register my baby but it's at 1:00 PM which means the heat of the sun and the crowd, and my little munchkin's just 3months, so I'm not really sure about that. :( 

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