Check-Up: Oct. 7, 2014

My check-up was supposed to be October 6th, my man's birthday, and we thought it was great since he would be able to accompany me by then. But, a couple of days after I had my check-up last September 22nd, we received a text message saying we have to reschedule to October 7th since October 6th is a holiday. (I honestly thought they're exempted for the holidays. lol) Well, okay.

What happened during the check-up...

My ob-gyn, Dra. Aquias, gave me flu vaccine since she told me babies cannot have flu vaccine until their 6th month, meaning from 0-6 months they're unprotected, so they gave me the vaccine for the baby will be protected until the baby's 6th month. 

Dra. Aquias asked me if I have cramps every now and then, I said yes, so she doubled my intake of calcium. She also gave me malunggay supplement, Natalac, for my breast milk. Hoping I have breast milk as soon as my baby arrives.

I just found out that malunggay is good for lactating moms. Meh

It was just a quick check-up since my ob-gyn actually have an emergency that day and she had to go somewhere else right after she finishes the check-ups. Also, it was raining hard and it was almost 5pm, and I don't want to be stuck in traffic.



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