Check-Up: Sept. 22,2014

Yey internet connection's back! WTF PLDT!!!! In red and all caps because we're all angry here at home. Lol

Okay, so let's talk about my check-up which happened yesterday, Sept. 22,2014, Monday. So, I grabbed a taxi near our place, (yes I was alone because everyone's in the office, and there's no one available to accompany me) and on every red light, the taxi I'm riding in was always the last to move, I was wondering why. I thought he was texting (which is bad. Never text and drive!!) but worse than texting while driving? Yes, manong driver was sleeping during stops! I had to wake him up every time the light turns green! And I thought since he knew that I knew that he was sleeping, he would stay awake, but no, he did not. But thank God nothing bad happened. 

So, what happened during the check-up? Dra. Aquias, my Ob-Gyne, first asked questions of course, how was I, etc... I told her regarding my back pain, which she said is due to the weight my baby's gaining, hence my tummy's getting bigger. She recommended maternity support belt, it would help lessen the back pain. Also, I told her my sleeping time problem. These past weeks, I've been sleeping really late, 2AM late, and I would wake up at around 5AM-7AM to pee, have some snacks and I really can't go back to sleep right after, it would be an hour after or more. I really don't know why. Dra. Aquias said that having warm milk or warm bath would help. She told me that it is best to have at least 6-hour straight of sleep, which I am not getting. :-(

And then, as what we usually do during check-ups, I was able to listen to my baby's heartbeat again! :-) I really love that sound! It's like music to my ears. A bit OA but that is how I'm feeling everytime I hear her heartbeat. Hihihi. And then, she gave me TDAP vaccine which means Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis. She was just telling me about it first, and then I suddenly got one! Lol. Also, she prescribed me the same vitamins I've been taking for like 3 months already (?) (sorry, not sure. eek!).

In case some of you are wondering what TDAP is, here it is:
What is the Tdap vaccine?The Tdap vaccine offers protection from three serious diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). It's the first booster designed to protect adults and adolescents from whooping cough, a very contagious disease that they're at risk for themselves and can pass on to babies.Whooping cough can result in months of coughing, cracked ribs from severe coughing spells, pneumonia, and other complications. While you probably got vaccinated against this disease as a child, the immunity wanes over time.Whooping cough can be life-threatening for babies who are less than a year old. And they're most likely to catch the disease from household members and other close contacts who might not even know they're infected. So vaccinating adults and adolescents against whooping cough also helps protect babies from the disease.What's more, if you get the Tdap vaccine before or during pregnancy, your baby is likely to get antibodies from you during pregnancy that will offer her some protection as a newborn, when she's still too young to be vaccinated herself. 

Anyway, if some are wondering how I found out about Dra. Aquias, she was recommended to us by my my sister-in-law. I also recommend to you, moms-to-be out there, because she's easy to talk to, unlike the previous doctors that I had my check-up with. Also, her assistant there is really nice!

Here are her contact details:
Dra. Regina Aquias
Medical City
Unit 910 MATI, Ortigas Ave., Pasig City
Tel.: 635-6789 loc 5107 / 636-7476
M/TH/F/Sat: 9am-1pm    T/TH: 2pm-6pm


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