Baby Essentials

I've been browsing on Instagram to look for cute clothes, shoes, costumes, and even toys for my baby girl which is really exciting but, not really a must, as of now. Yes, it is good to buy some of those beforehand, but I think I must focus more on the necessities of my baby before she arrived. Since I am clueless on what would be the essentials for my coming baby, of course, I googled. Lol! I've checked several sites, and came up with my own, I've added and/or removed a few since I don't think I will be able to use the same as what others are using/used.

Here are the things on my list:
Baby Wipes

Newborn Diapers
Diaper Bag
(or any cloth for wiping off baby's burp or anything)

4 oz feeding bottles (at least 2)

Baby Tie Side Shirt
(not really sure what you call those. hehe
also, i think this is better than shirts since it's hot here in the Ph.
it's easier to wear on babies, too.)
(i think theyre cute, and i already have lots
of these given to me, so. haha

Newborn Hat, Socks, Mittens
(at least 3 sets)
Infant Pajama Pants 
Hooded Baby Towels

Ointment for Diaper Rash

Baby Bath Tub 

Baby Soap / Shampoo
Crib (i would love to have a convertible crib
like this, but since it's too expensive here in the Ph,
any crib would do as long as baby's comfortable)


For Mom:

Nursing Bra
Breast Pump (I really want my baby to be breast fed,
so Im hoping my breast milk would last for a long time)

Feeding Bottle Cleaner
This list might be too short for some, I may be forgetting some things but these are the things that popped in my head at this very moment. I don't want to have a lot on my list, buy those, and regret after because I wasn't able to use it. 

*I may update this if there are some things to be added that I think is essential for my newborn. 

*all photos from Google Images


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