Oh hey, it's 2019!
Oh hello there! It seems like I've forgotten my blog. But not really! Just really busy with life as what we always say. ;) A few days ago, I just realized my blogging e-mail was signed out of my phone... and it's been months! The e-mails I saw have been there since October of last year. Ohmygosh. I am so sorry I wasn't able to reply! But anyway, this first month of 2019 is kind of not what I was hoping for. We've been coming to the hospital for almost every other day for tests and check-ups of my little girl. But thankfully she's okay now. :) Now, it's my husband and my father-in-law who are sick. It's nothing serious, it's just cough and colds, but still. Praying for a better health for all of us for the rest of the year! I always wanted to blog but time wouldn't just let me. But now, yay! I have a few hours to sit down and put out my thoughts here. My 2018 was a rollercoaster ride as it has always been for the last 29 years. Haha...